tall, skinny, beautiful
Oleh : Mona
Yonatha Anatasha
tall, skinny,
beautiful tall, wealthy, handsome
walking on the stage had a great smile
like she had
everything always held the camera
have many face in
pictures had a good talent
smiling or styling
on camera had an arts in his hand
without we knew, without we knew,
crying inside, he had broken inside,
suffering all the
time desperated all the time
now she’s
gone now he’s lonely
left the world
without happiness no more joy in his life
left her love in
the gun she held just like walking dead man
no more smile in
her face living in the tiresome days
she ended her
continual bout waiting his turn to leave
with new affliction to the empty place
meet his dope love
Yonatha Anatasha, mahasiswi di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi. Lahir di Bandung, 29 Mei 1996. Karya yang pernah terbit adalah sebuah novel fantasi remaja
berjudul, Fantasteen: Final Destiny yang terbit pada tahun 2013.
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